Saturday, May 30, 2015

Roommate tag

It is funny
how i never knew this
I assumed that my room mate
knew I was gay
but it turns out that she did not.

I can make it out
from her actions and the way she talks to me.
She is an Asian, with conservative ideas on the matter of marriage
If she knew I was gay, I guess she would have never roomed with me.

I do kind of like her (#wt*!?)
Now that I am getting over with my ex
I guess it is alright to start a new relation (Woo wo I am going pretty fast)
Sometimes I feel I've got to give myself some time
But when I see these straight girls I easily forget the rules
(I should do my best to keep this relation platonic for awhile)

Now about to my roommate ..
She is pretty and a total girly girl
But my night mare ..
Her boyfriend
who hates lesbians!

I have decided not to tell her about my sexual orientation
Because it would ruin this friendship
and make her feel betrayed
I want to be good friends with her

Maybe later in the future
after i move out to my new apartment
If she finds out about my orientation
then she can choose
if she still would like to be friends or not

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